36 graduates of specialized schools of under the Agency became students of higher educational institutions ahead of schedule

36 graduates of specialized schools of under the Agency became students of higher educational institutions ahead of schedule:

7 students of the boarding school for young chemists and biologists named after Abu Ali ibn Sina;
16 students of Specialized Boarding School named after Mirzo Ulugbek;
13 graduates of the Specialized School Muhammad al-Khwarizmi have been admitted to local and international higher education institutions ahead of schedule.

Futhermore, according to the results of the scholarship competition for 350 places of the "El Yurt Umidi" Foundation, 2 graduates of the specialized boarding school named after Mirzo Ulugbek 
Abduganiyev Abdulaziz $ 160,000
 Alisher Bobokulov received a state grant of $ 192,000.
 Earlier, we reported that Nodira Sadullayeva, a graduate of the Specialized School named after Muhammad Khwarizmi, was admitted to several universities on a grant basis.