Promotion of reading in art schools

In our country, various events are held to promote reading, to encourage young people to read, and thus to spend their free time meaningfully.

In particular, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan of Fergana region held a meeting The event was attended by leaders, leaders of the Youth Union Primary School of General Secondary Schools and young people interested in art.

Gulchehra Asronova, an educator at the Erkin Vahidov School of Creativity, commented on the importance of promoting reading among young people. Young people asked questions about the life and work of the poet, the current literary process, the new works being published.

Similar events are held in each Presedential, Creativity and Specialized Schools. As a result, they are developing talented, creative students.

In particular, Azizova Madina, a 7th grade pupil at the Abdulla Qodiri School of Creativity, published an article in the Tong Yulduzi newspaper entitled "We traveled around Uzbekistan."

It can be said that the measures taken are laying the groundwork for the future of uzbek literature.