A press conference was held on "Quality education - an investment in human capital"

A press conference was held on "Quality education - an investment in human capital."

Hilola Umarova, the head of the Agency for Presidential  Educational Institutions, also spoke about the activities of the schools under the  Agency and the work being done to provide quality education to young people:

- Systematic work is being done in our country to support talented youth. In particular, the number of Presidential schools has increased by 10 this year; New Uzbekistan University was established in cooperation with the most prestigious universities in the world and the first academic year began. All this is a huge step towards the discovery of talents in every corner of the country and their training as useful personnel for the future of the country.

The event was also attended by officials, who spoke about the achievements in the field of education. At the end of the meeting, journalists received answers to their questions from experts.