Students of the Presidential School in Namangan are preparing for the Cambridge A/AS Level exams

Students of the 11th grade of the Presidential School in the city of Namangan took part in the Cambridge Mock exams.

From 20 to 22 November 2020, the 11th grade students of the Presidential School in Namangan passed the exams in mathematics and two selective subjects. Among the selective subjects were physics, chemistry, biology and computer science.

Director of the Presidential School in Namangan Abdurasul Pirnazarov noted that the Cambridge Mock exams were held in order to prepare for the official Cambridge exams.

- The Cambridge exams are new for our children. In connection with this, we have organized mock exams to prepare to official exams. Students of our school can receive AS and A level certificates after participating in official exams. These certificates will allow our students to enter many universities in the world, he added.

It should be noted that within the framework of the Cambridge A/AS Level program, the students receive in-depth knowledge in three subjects and pass final exams. Successful students receive Cambridge A/AS Level certificates.

The Cambridge A/AS Level program is recognized by many universities around the world. In particular, the universities from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany and other countries accept the certificates.