The republican competition "The Unique World of Ogahi" is announced

In order to study the life and creative heritage of Ogahi, popularize his works among the general public, the Creative school named after Ogahi announces a republican competition on the theme "The Unique World of Ogahi".

Students of grades 6, 7 and 8 of schools that are part of the Agency for Development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools (PIIMA) can take part in the competition. Creative works are accepted until 20 December. The jury will review all accepted entries from 21 to 24 December.

The results of the competition will be announced on 25 December. The competition will be held in such areas as:

  • "Expert of the works of Ogahi" (the first scientific work prepared by students under the guidance of a teacher)
  • "An experienced performer of Ogahi’s poems" (expressive reading, video)
  • "Word and Art" (competition of paintings on the theme of nature in the works of Ogahi)

Creative works prepared for the competition are accepted through the PIIMA Online Oromgoh platform.