Uzbek leader presents gift to the student of Presidential school in Tashkent

Firdavs Abdukayumov, the 11th grade student of the Presidential School in Tashkent, received a gift from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

On 24 December 2020, State Adviser to the President of Uzbekistan on the development of science, education, healthcare and sports Abdujabbor Abduvokhidov visited the Presidential School and held a meeting with a group of 11-grade students.

The student of the Presidential School in Tashkent Firdavs Abdukayumov enrolled in the leading universities of the United States - Xavier University and John Carroll University. He received a grant of US$89,000 to study at Xavier University and US$96,000 at John Carroll University.

The state adviser to the head of state noted that the President of Uzbekistan was delighted with the successes of Firdavs Abdukayumov and gave him a present - a modern computer.

“The President noted several times that the foundation for the third Renaissance is being created in our country and you are representatives of the third Renaissance,” said Abdujabbor Abduvohidov, addressing to the students.

Firdavs Abdukayumov expressed his gratitude to the President for the gift and the conditions created for studying at the Presidential School. He noted that after completing his studies in the United States, he intends to contribute to the development of Uzbekistan.

It should be noted that 11-grade students of the Presidential Schools in Nukus, Khiva, Namangan and Tashkent submitted their documents to the world's leading universities. In addition to Firdavs Abdukayumov, a student of the Presidential School in Tashkent Temur Sulaimonov won a US$40,000 grant to study at Long Island University Brooklyn.

A student of the Presidential School in Namangan, Mironsoh Inomjonov entered the University of Westminster and the University of Greenwich in Great Britain. His classmates Jakhongir Amirkhamzaev was admitted to the University of Greenwich, Azimjon Urinov and Azimjon Alizhonov successfully enrolled in the University of Liverpool.

The rest of the students of the Presidential Schools in Nukus, Khiva, Namangan and Tashkent are waiting for the decisions of the admissions committees of foreign universities.